Summer 2024: Parsimonious Structural Learning

“Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” – Leonardo da Vinci


The first few meetings will review basic ideas from compressed sensing, dictionary learning, subspace clustering, and low-rank matrix factorization, before moving on to recent papers on topics in these areas as well as parsimonious representation learning, implicit biases and sparse training of neural networks, and sparse neural networks/pruning.


In general we meet on Mondays, 4:00-5:00 PM. We are happy to adapt to conflicts in advance. So far we have tried various conference rooms, but the place is still oscillating. Stay tuned!


Date Presented by Title Remarks
June 3 Kyle Poe Compressed sensing/sparse recovery on subspace arrangements
June 24 Tianjiao Ding A tale of two problems: sparse signal recovery and sparse subspace clustering
July 1 Ziqing Xu Optimization for low-rank matrix factorization problem
July 8